green pepper plant stem turning black. - Knowledgebase Question

stockton, ca
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Question by bookingranny
May 30, 2006
I have 2 green pepper plants. They appear healthy with flowers and green leaves however the stems are turning black. What can we do to prevent this and what is causing it?

Answer from NGA
May 30, 2006
It's quite normal for brownish black streaks to appear on the stems and on the fruits of green pepper plants. As long as the color appears along otherwise healthy looking stems and fruits, it's simply a result of exposure to sunshine. If, however, the areas are sunken or raised, or appear water-soaked, you may be dealing with a disease. At this point I'd just wait and watch. You'll know soon enough whether it's normal or a symptom of a disease. If it is diseased, there's not much you can do to save the plant so let's hope it's natural. Best wishes with your peppers!

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