I live in Upstate NY (zone 5). I have a need to replace a 'Boulevard' Cypress, on a corner foundation area which I am redesigning. The space is limited at approximately 7' radius from the corner of the house. I would prefer a blue evergreen and am considering Juniperus scopuarum 'Wichita Blue', 'Blue Arrow', or 'Moonglow'. A local nusery had Monrovia selections of all these varieties. Which would you recommend? Thanks, Rich |
Blue Arrow is very narrow, 12 to 15 feet tall and only two feet wide, so perhaps a bit narrow. Moonglow grows about 15 feet high but 8 feet wide. Witchita Blue grows 10 to 15 feet tall and four to six feet wide but larger with age so it may be too big for your space. Junipers really do best in a full sun location with good air circulation on all sides. They must have a well drained site. As a corner plant, you may notice these leaning out toward the light over time; the southwest corner would be best. In your area with heavy snow, you may see some breakage on these. In my experience these do not make the best foundation plants, however my personal preference between these three is always Moonglow. When you see these in person you will see differences in texture and color, maybe one will stand out. Your local professionally trained nurseryman may have other suggestions based on a detailed understanding of the growing conditions where you want to plant and your overall design goals. |