How do I save my Turnip Greens? They are dying on me. They started out doing real good,I planted them in late March, but as the heat got hotter then I tried everything I could to try and save them to no avail. Please help also on my house plants because I have some that I don't know how to care for and I need some help. How do I care for Aloe Vera, Bamboo and Bonsai? Thank You, Vickey Mallet, Ft. Worth, TX |
Vickey, Turnips are more of a cool to warm season crop, and don't like this heat. Take care to water some but not so much that the soil stays soggy wet as this is deadly in the heat. All those houseplants need lots of light. Direct sun is helpful but at least a very bright window will be needed. Some people put them in a very bright shade with some morning sun during the warm season to help strengthen the plants. The aloe needs water only sparingly while the bonsai needs to stay only moist, not too wet. Bamboo also doesn't like saturated soil but needs warm temperatures and lots of light. Fertilize the bamboo with a soluble plant food at the weekly label rate. The aloe and bonsai only need to be fertilized every couple of months. Thanks for the question. Please stop in again soon! |