Spirea - Knowledgebase Question

Elkview, WV
Avatar for bshopgirl83
Question by bshopgirl83
June 15, 2006
I bought the new Golden Sunrise Spirea for my garden of 12 x 22 with a crepe myrtle in the middle. I bought 6 of these to go in the bed. I only wanted them to grow about 2 feet and these say 4 feet. I called the garden center where I bought them and they say they all get about that big and I should cut them down in the spring time to keep them the size I want. Is this true or can I get something that is not going to be so much work? I had burning bushes there before and we cut them down because they just got to be and ruined the looks of my garden. Any suggestions?

Answer from NGA
June 15, 2006
I'm afraid the nursery was right - spirea can grow larger than you want, but you can prune them annually to keep them smaller. If this sounds like more work than you're willing to invest, why not plant some smaller plants? Heathers remain about 3' all around for many years (although occasional pruning will keep them smaller). Lavender is another mounding plant that rarely exceeds 2'. Rosemary is another mounding shrub that might work for you. Hope one of these suggestions is just right for your garden.

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