Our neighbor just recently put a long chain-link black fence of 200 ft long by 4 ft high. The fence is located right behind our ranch house. We can see this ugly black fence through our back picture windows and our back deck. Is there any kind of evergreen shrub that grows around 4 ft tall and spreads out that we could plant along the fence line? We don't want something that grows to tall as we like the view out back. It probably should be a fast grower. Thanks. |
Most evergreens are slower growing, compared to deciduous plants so you will not find anything particularly "fast". Among shorter evergreens you could look at the shorter yews (Taxus x media 'Densiformis' grows to three to four feet tall and a bit wider), smaller rhododendrons (Rhododendron x 'P.J.M.' (H-1) grows three to five feet tall and a bit wider) or possibly a boxwood (Buxus 'Green Velvet' (COPF) grows to three to four feet tall and wide.) Which plant to use depends on the growing conditions where you are planting (is it sunny or shady, wet or dry, windy and so on) as well as your overall design goals, availability and budget. You may also find that planting an island bed beside your patio can help with the view in the meantime while you are waiting for the hedge to grow. Your local professional nursery staff and/or county extension may have additional or different suggestions based on a more detailed understanding of the project. |