Groundcover Carpet Rose - Knowledgebase Question

Medina, OH
Avatar for oscarclark
Question by oscarclark
July 1, 2006
I bought one of your flower carpet pink groundcover roses this year. Why is it called groundcover. It's a tree! Also your website says deadheading is not nessary. Does that mean when the flowers die I'm not supposed to cut them off? Also, I have friends that have told me that they need to be dug up in the winter and brought inside. Is that true? Thanks

Answer from NGA
July 1, 2006
Groundcover carpet roses are by nature sprawling, trailing plants. They will eventually form trailing mounds which will cover the ground in a given area. Sounds as though yours is unusually vigorous if it is growing upright. It's been my experience that the weight of the canes as the plants grow will push them out rather than allow them to grow up too high. Deadheading is not necessary but a light trimming will keep plants dense, free blooming and within bounds. You can cut off the spent flowers if you wish, but it isn't necessary. Fertilize several times during summer and water during dry periods for best results. Carpet roses are quite hardy and disease resistant. The first year in the ground you might want to mulch over the crown of the plant to help it winter over. Once it is established, you shouldn't need to mulch. In any case, you should not have to dig the plant and take it indoors for the winter months! Enjoy your new carpet rose!

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