In the spring my blue fescue plant was green. Then it went to seed and now most of the the plant is golden except for some green around the plant on the bottom. I was told to cut the golden part but I thought I should check with the experts. Also if I have to cut the golden part of the plant, how much should I cut? Louisa |
Rather than cut back your blue fescue, you can comb it to remove the dead foliage. It is easiest to do if you have a pair of gloves with rubberized palms and fingers. Simply take hold of a handful of foliage and pull straight up. The pulling action will remove the dead foliage which is brittle but will leave the live foliage. You can comb through the plant to snatch all the dead foliage. I do this in the spring to renew my plants and again in the fall after the seedpod stems have aged. It keeps the plants looking fresh and new most of the growing season. |