Just bought this tree at my local nursery. It is still in the container it was packed in. It is in full sun and I water it daily. Losing lots of leaves which have turned yellow. I plan on planting it this week. Anything I can do to stop losing leaves? |
It sounds as though your new magnolia is stressed. It may be that it was growing under shadier conditions at the nursery and now that it is getting more sunshine, it is stressed. It's also important to know that nursery pots in direct sunshine can absorb heat and over-heat the roots. I would shield the pot from direct sunshine until the tree is planted and I would also immerse the pot in a larger container of water to make sure it is fully hydrated. Allow the pot to sit in the water for 15 minutes (to drive out any air pockets), then remove and allow to drain. Best wishes with your new magnolia! |