I live in the country and just got neighbors. We want to put up a fence and let an evergreen vine give us some green and some privacy. I am having a hard time finding an evergreen, fast growing vine. Your site says that a Trumpet vine is evergreen but all the other info I have read says that it is not. Any suggestions? It would need to take full sun also. |
Trumpet vine is evergreen in gardens where winters are mild. If your garden regularly receives frost, it will not be evergreen. The tops are hardy to about 20F and the roots are hardy to about 10F. You might also consider Clematis x cartmanii 'Avalanche' (White Evergreen Clematis)An evergreen Clematis with pure white single flowers with prominent yellow stamens in the center. The unique deeply cut, leathery, green leaves, which are a very attractive feature when the plant is full bloom, are nearly hidden by the profusion of flowers in early to mid spring. Flowers are borne on previous season's stems. Plant on a fence or trellis where stems can grow 12-15 feet with support ,or use as a groundcover. If used to trail over and down a slope, it can look like an avalanche of white flowers. Plant in full sun to light shade and water regularly spring through summer. Hardy to 10 to 15? F. |