Mission Fig Care - Knowledgebase Question

Elk Grove Village, IL
Avatar for miss_cindi
Question by miss_cindi
July 18, 2006
Purchased at local nursury, place on SW patio. Leaves became blotchy light & dark green. Moved to NW side of house, dropped all leaves. Have been watering regularly, (probably daily water recently due to rain. Plant does not sit in any water. Leaves yellow and fall off. Nice plant (Monrovia stock) hope I don't lose it. Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks

Answer from NGA
July 18, 2006
Most often, loss of leaves is related to either over or underwatering. The soil should be allowed to dry somewhat between thorough waterings. When you water, make sure the water soaks into the soil and is not running out between the soil and the side of the pot. If there is a saucer under the pot, empty it after watering and after rain. During excessively rainy periods you may want to shield the plant so it is not over watered.

You would also fertilize regularly with a water soluble fertilizer such as 10-10-10 plus minors per the label directions.

Your fig tree needs a full sun location, with sun all day long.

Since this is a new plant, you might also consult with your retailer.

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