I would like to try growing an apple tree on an espalier in my walled garden in Manhattan, which gets good sun. Do you have any suggestions for a good self-pollinating apple that would be happy in my area, growing on a wall? Any advice would be most appreciated. Thank you. |
Unfortunately, you are really going to need two trees for more reliable fruiting. Theoretically you could espalier just about any apple, however I would definitely recommend using one on a dwarfing rootstock to keep the size manageable. The trees will do best in full sun and with deep, well drained soil. If you are hoping to grow them in containers, you will need to use the largest possible containers you can find, larger than a half whiskey barrel is better. You may find the following explanation about pollination and variety charts helpful in making your selection. http://extension.missouri.edu/... Your local professionally trained nurseryman and local Cornell cooperative extension may also have thoughts on which one(s) would be best suited to your location. Best of luck with your project! |