Blue Satin Hibiscus - Knowledgebase Question

Chelmsford, MA
Avatar for dcrawford1
Question by dcrawford1
August 17, 2006
I just planted 2 beautiful Blue Satin Hibiscus shrubs.
1. Do I need to do anything to keep the flowers the same beautiful color as when I purchased them?
2. Does the soil affect the color?
3. What is the best fertilizer for them?
4. How often should I fertilize them?

Answer from NGA
August 17, 2006
This is a named variety of Hibiscus syriacus or rose of Sharon. The flower color is not related to the soil, it is consistent wherever it is planted. (The flower will change a bit though as the individual bloom ages, but there is nothing you can do about that.)

This plant does best in a full sun location (sun all day or a minimum of six hours including noon.) It needs average soil that is well drained, meaning not soggy or saturated. While it is becoming established, water as needed to keep the soil evenly moist like a wrung out sponge, not sopping wet and not dried out.

Average fertility is all that is needed. You could top dress in spring with a good quality compost along with a general purpose granular or slow release fertilizer with an analysis of 10-10-10 or similar. Read and follow the directions on the label, do not overfertilize. Finally, a year round layer of organic mulch about three inches deep will help feed the soil agraduallys it breaks down over time. Do not fertilize it now, fertilizing this late in the season could encourage new growth that will not have time to harden before winter.

Enjoy your Blue Satin hibiscus!

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