Unhealthy Crimsion Passion Flower - Knowledgebase Question

Calgary, AB
Avatar for wsn
Question by wsn
September 25, 2006
I have attempted to keep three of the Monrovia Crimson Passion Flowers alive in hopes that they would bloom. Two have died the third is not healthy. I have a Caerula and Lavender Lady that are doing OK and have bloomed they all get the same treatment, light etc. The Crimson leaves start growing then turn brown around the edges and die. Any assistance appreciated.

Answer from NGA
September 25, 2006
Passiflora vitifolia or Crimson Passion Flower is an evergreen that blooms in fall, winter and spring. It should do well in a container as long as it is provided full sun and the soil is kept evenly moist; the minimum temperature for this plant is about 60 degrees, so protect it from cold nights -- it is less cold tolerant than the others. The edges turning brown would usually indicate lack of water (especially if this begins at the growing tip end of the vine first) or possibly overfertilization or even exposure to cold; lack of humidity could also cause this kind of foliage symptom. If you have had the vine for a while and it has grown quite a bit, it may need to be repotted into a larger container. I hope this helps you trouble shoot.

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