Bugs on Bougainvillea - Knowledgebase Question

Biloxi, Ms
Avatar for win689surf25
Question by win689surf25
October 15, 2006
I would like to know what kind of bug I am dealing with on my bougainvella's. All the new growth just got eaten up with some black bugs. Very small black dropping left behind. Thanks Kat

Answer from NGA
October 15, 2006
Are you sure you're seeing black bugs and not frass (caterpillar droppings)? The most common pest you'll see on your Bougainvillea is the Bougainvillea caterpillar and moth. This is a very persistent and damaging pest. The caterpillar is about one inch in length and is green in color. It eats the leaves and is often found in rolled-up leaves.

When a bougainvillea shrub is disturbed, the caterpillars drop unobserved to the ground, leaving most people wondering what is eating their bougainvillea plants.

The moth that lays the eggs from which the caterpillars develop is about 1? inch in length and is brown in color. The moth is busy laying eggs during the warmer months.

Chemical controls include Thuricide, Dipel or Sevin. Dipel and Thuricide are a more natural control using Bacillus Thuringiensis, which will control only caterpillars and will not harm the beneficial insects such as parasitic wasps. Naturally, the damage has already been done and the lifecycle of this pest has ended - for this year. If you see similar damage next spring, you'll know how to control the caterpillars.

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