I have a dracaena that is 10+ feet tall. I have had this plant for many years, purchased when it was in a 3-4 inch pot. Is it possible to top the plant and make new plants from cuttings? If so, please explain. Thanks. |
You can cut the top from your dracaena and make several new plants. I've found that the cuttings root better in the summer than the winter, but if you provide enough light and warmth, the cuttings should root for you now. There are lots of dormant buds on the stem or trunk of your dracaena so wherever you cut, at least one new shoot and possibly two or three will emerge. Start by deciding where you want the top growth to begin and sever the stem there. In a few weeks you should see new growth. You can also root the top - remove all but 5-6" of stem, dip the cut end in rooting hormone, and set it in a container of potting soil. You can also cut the remaining stem into 4-5" pieces, dip the bottom of the cutting in rooting hormone and set them in a container. Make sure you dip the bottom of the cutting - not the top! For the bare stem cuttings, make a little greenhouse by setting 3-4 sticks near the edges of the pots and drape plastic wrap over the sticks. This will help keep the humidity high and induce rooting and top growth. Remove the plastic wrap when new top growth appears. Best wishes with your project! |