after bringing my cyclamen in from my porch, they're starting to look real pathetic.Need solid directions, I'm not w/green thumb... I also have a kalanchoe looking pretty bad, too.They were brot in from my porch as well.Lastly I have approx.10 cactus plants in from my porch.HELP!!!!!!!!! |
Your cyclamen will do best at a cool room temperature (60 to 65 degrees) with indirect light and very high humidity. Most homes are just too hot and dry for this plant during the winter heating season, so it is not an easy houseplant to keep. The kalanchoe will also appreciate a cool room temperature and needs very bright light. Water lightly during the winter. Do not fertilize until spring. I am not certain what kind of cactus you have but most appreciate a cool dry winter period. A cool room -- even as cool as 50 degrees -- and very bright light would be best. Water very little until spring, just enough to prevent them from shriveling. Do not fertilize until spring. If your plants were frosted before you brought them indoors, or if they have suffered root damage from being consistently overwatered, they may not recover. But, it's always worth a try. Good luck with your plants! |