Bulbs - Knowledgebase Question

Indianapolis, IN
Avatar for johannessohn
Question by johannessohn
February 10, 1998
I planted some bulbs last spring and was surprised to find this week that the tops of some are poking through the soil. Is there anything that I can do to protect them, because I know that it will get cold again here before we actually get to spring.

Answer from NGA
February 10, 1998
Your bulbs are responding to the longer daylengths and warmer temperatures. They're also reasonably cold-tolerant so if the weather gets really cold, the shoots will just stop growing. I've had spring flowering bulbs put on flower buds and then sit in six inches of snow. The flowers waited until the snow melted before opening, and they came through the ordeal without a problem. The leaves and shoots seem to contain a kind of anti-freeze that allows them to winter any weather. Relax and enjoy yourearly-spring blooms when they arrive!

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