seedless grapes in San Francisco? - Knowledgebase Question

San Francisco, CA
Avatar for heddysol
Question by heddysol
January 14, 2007
I live in the sunny part of San francisco. I just removed an invasive passiflower membracea from a S W facing trellis infront of a reflected white wood wall. I would like to plant a seedless grape in this spot. I have been discouraged by local nursery workers. Can you advise me as to the best variety and anything else I shd. consider for this to be successful?
Thank -you

Answer from NGA
January 14, 2007
Your nursery professionals are correct - grape vines will grow, but will not produce fruit in even the sunniest area of San Francisco. Grapes need a certain number of chill hours and a certain number of heat units (which differs among varieties), but even those with the lowest requirements still will not produce in your area. Sorry!

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