Vines - Knowledgebase Question

Somerset, MA
Avatar for joentamiarru
Question by joentamiarru
April 8, 2007
What is the fastest non flowering vine that you can use as a chainlink fence covering? The fence is 6' tall.

We fall in the zone 6 area.

Answer from NGA
April 8, 2007
Most vines take several years to settle in, become fully rooted and established and grow their best at full speed. Annual vines such as morning glories are the fastest, but, they bloom. If you want what is considered a nonflowering vine you could consider Boston ivy (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) and the related native, Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus virginiana.) Technically, these do bloom but the flowers are very small and not noticeable. Both are large plants capable of climbing and covering chain link.

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