I have several questions: 1. My vine tree does not give me full grapes, and what type of disease/insect control I have to apply? 2. Is it recommended to give my veggies food? 3. How do I test the soil? 4. It is good to till the soil several time a year before planting? 5. I have a peach that give me fruit but it does not get ripe. Why? |
I'll do what I can to answer all your questions. As for grapes and peaches, if they do not mature, then you have the wrong variety for your growing conditions. Some years they will ripen and others they will not, depending upon how long the growing season is each year. I'd replace them with shorter summer varieties. You can feed your veggies. Apply a general purpose garden fertilizer in the spring (in amounts as listed on the fertilizer package). You can rototil your garden beds each spring prior to planting, but I wouldn't till more than once a year. Soil testing is relatively easy. There are kits you can purchase in garden centers or you can have a private lab or your University test it for you. A soil test kit is available from your local cooperative extension office. Basically you take a clean bucket and take a sample of soil from several parts of your garden. I use a hand trowel and take about a cup from each of 5-6 places in the garden. Put each shovelful into the bucket and then mix them all together. Then take about a cup of the mixed up soil and put it into a bag. This is the soil that you can test or send out for professional analysis. Best wishes with your garden! |