GREENER GRASS - Knowledgebase Question

Colonia, NJ (Zone 6A)
Avatar for VASQUEED
Question by VASQUEED
April 28, 2007

Answer from NGA
April 28, 2007
Grass naturally turns green in the spring as the weather changes. Nitrogen fertilizer can speed up the process, with the fertilizer being applied in the fall or early spring. To know if you need to fertilize and how much to use, the best procedure is to run some basic soil test results and work from there. You should also test for pH as this may need to be adjusted using lime. (Having the correct soil pH enables the grass to use the nitrogen better and so it should green up better for you.) Correct mowing is also very important for keeping the lawn thick. Mow often enough that you never remove more than one third the grass height at a time. In spring, this can mean mowing more than once a week. Your local Rutgers county extension should be able to help you with the testing and interpreting the results. They should also be able to help you with an ongoing lawn care maintenance program for your yard.

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