Hibiscus - Knowledgebase Question

Culpeper, Va
Avatar for marcusbl2003
Question by marcusbl2003
June 18, 2007
How do I care for a hibicus?

Answer from NGA
June 18, 2007
Hardy hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus, Rose of Sharon) is very cold tolerant and should be planted as soon as possible so the roots can begin to establish themselves now. If you have a tropical hibiscus (Hibiscus chinensis), however, you will need to wait until all danger of frost is past because these plants do not tolerate any frost at all. These plants are often maintained as container plants so they can be brought indoors at the end of the season to be enjoyed as houseplants. Lots of people grow hibiscus as houseplants during the winter, putting them outdoors for the summer months. Ideally, plants should be allowed to gradually adjust to indoor conditions after growing outdoors all summer. They're more likely to retain their leaves, and less likely to attract pests. When the daytime temperatures reach a minimum of 60F this spring, gradually acclimate it back to the outdoors by exposing it to a little more sun each day over the course of a week. Reverse the process in fall when you bring it inside. Hibiscus like average household temperatures and very bright light. They also want moist, but not soggy soil. Mist the leaves regularly to add some moisture to the air. If the plant gets too leggy, you can pinch back some of the stems. Fertilize during the spring/summer months (March through August as a rule of thumb).

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