No single herbicide, weeding technique or lawn care tactic works against all weeds. How you attack the weeds in your lawn depends on which you have. Lawn weeds fall under three broad categories: unwanted grasses; grasslike plants called sedges; and broadleaf plants. Most are annuals or perennials. Annuals complete their life cycle in one season and reproduce from seeds. Perennials live several years and spread underground as well as by seed, making them harder to control. If you use an herbicide, choose one that's labeled as safe for the type of turf you're growing and effective against the weeds you've got. The label states when and in which conditions to use the product. Some herbicides work only within a certain temperature range; others work only when applied at a specific time of year. Once you've gotten the weeds under control, put your lawn on a regular watering, feeding and mowing schedule and you'll have a lush, thick lawn that will crowd out most weeds. Best wishes with your lawn! |