marathon grass - Knowledgebase Question

sylmar, ca
Avatar for gfrancoaceve
Question by gfrancoaceve
June 29, 2007
we had some marathan grass beds placed on our front yard about a week ago, what's the best way to care for it so it looks as green as it does now and doesnt get dry and brown. Do we need to fertilize? or water daily?

Answer from NGA
June 29, 2007
As a general rule, you can water your Marathon lawn once per day for the first three weeks. If dry spots appear in the lawn during the afternoon, the irrigation time should be increased. If dry spots persist, an irrigation uniformity problem is likely, and an additional sprinkler head may be required. After the first three weeks, you should begin to taper back to once every two or three days, depending on how quickly the sod is rooting. Generally speaking, as the root system grows deeper, irrigation frequency should be reduced.

After your lawn has become established (approximately 6 to 8 weeks), water according to the following guidelines:

As infrequently as possible (once or twice a week in the cooler months, three or more times per week in the warmer months).

For as long as possible to get deep soil penetration (up to 30 minutes). It may be necessary to cycle irrigate if runoff occurs after just a short time water until runoff occurs, then stop and wait for the water to penetrate (usually 1 to 2 hours), then repeat.

As early as possible - first thing in the morning. Do not water between 4 pm and 4 am. (If grass is wet overnight, it could develop diseases.)

Do not water areas in the shade as frequently as the areas of your lawn that receive full sun.

Begin mowing weekly one week after installation. Using a rotary mower, cut Marathon Sod at a height of 2 to 3 inches. Do not mow off more than 1/3 of the length of the grass blades at one time. A sharp mower is essential - white or yellow grass blade tips are the result of a dull mower. Always remove the grass clippings or use a mulching mower.

Fertilize one month after installation and every month thereafter throughout the fall, winter, and spring. Avoid fertilizing during July and August. If your lawn is yellowish light green in color overall it is an indication that fertilizer is needed. For best results, be sure to use Marathon All-Season Lawn Fertilizer - nitrogen-rich for quick greening, and formulated especially for your Marathon lawn.

Hope this information helps you grow a beautiful new lawn!

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