Why is my rose plant not blossoming. The bush looks very healthy and is constantly sending out new shoots but no blossoms. The other plant is blossoming but not this one. |
Roses don't bloom for the following reasons. Too much nitrogen in the fertilizer made them make growth at the expense of flowers. In high heat sometimes roses won't set buds to conserve water. Too little or too much water so roots are too dry or too wet. The rose bushes are new and new roses sometimes will not bloom properly for a couple of years. Unusual climate changes such as high heat. Is it possible that they are once blooming roses? You describe most of your roses are looking okay so that tells me what you are doing is right for them. However many roses bloom on last years wood and if you prune them back hard, you will cut off the flowers. It might be a wisdom to let the roses have as much foliage as possible as they will need it next year to bloom well. Tea Roses and Floribundas can be very fussy. Some hardly bloom at all no matter what you do. Others only ask for perfection -- perfect light, perfect air, perfect soil and perfect Fertilizer and temperatures -- but most of all the LIGHT. They expect HUGE amounts of light. You say your other Rose 'blooms great'. Does it get the same sun? Same soil and food? Is it blooming now? If you are fertilizing, make sure you are using a good Rose fertilizer -- and for blooms, that would be one with a high-Phosphorous formula rather than the high-Nitrogen formulas usually given to Roses. You can tell a high-Phosphorous formula by looking at the 3 numbers on the bottle or box. They are shown as 'N-P-K'. The N stands for Nitrogen. The P stands for Phosphorous. The K stands for Potash. You want a fertilizer that has the highest number of the 3 in the center. That would be something like 2-20-5 or 20-30-10. Get your sulking Rose a high Phosphorous flowers formula food. See if that helps. At the end of July, go back to a regular Rose food for the next feeding and then stop feeding completely. If you feed it until the end of the summer, you will be encouraging growth -- and that is the OPPOSITE of what you want your Rose to do at the end of the summer. Late summer is the time to start preparing for the long cold winter days and nights ahead. Feeding your Rose at that point will be telling it to stay outside without a winter jacket; if you stop feeding, you are telling it to go hibernate until winter is over. When you do finally see a Rose, and the bloom is finished, CUT IT OFF! TONS of energy is used for making seeds, energy which should be used to make more Roses. Hope this information helps! |