seasons - Knowledgebase Question

south jordan, ut
Avatar for gone_nba
Question by gone_nba
July 8, 2007
Does a plant indoors get messed up with flowering by being indoors?

Answer from NGA
July 8, 2007
The answer really depends upon the plant. In general, any tropical plant (which includes most houseplants) will grow happily all year around indoors because the indoor temperatures and light levels are like a perennial spring. They will bloom nearly all year around if they're happy. On the other hand, plants that normally live outdoors and bloom only in spring, summer or fall may not bloom on schedule when they are grown indoors. This is because they require a pronounced winter chill and a period of dormancy before they are able to bloom. Some plants won't set buds unless the temperatures are cool and days are short (chrysanthemums, for instance), and others won't bloom unless the days are long. The bottom line is - if it's a tropical plant, it will bloom indoors; if it is an ornamental plant with a certain bloom time and it depends upon daylength or cool temperatures to bloom, it won't bloom indoors unless you can replicate those conditions indoors.

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