I have two beautiful Mature Shade trees in my front yard. The grass that was there is pretty much dead. I'd like to also add some bright flowering plants or shubs on the borders of the front and near the house, but the whole front area is in the shade from the trees. Is there any grass or flowering plants or shubs that I can plant in this area, or will I have to go all artificial? I love these Shade trees, so cutting them down is not an option... Thanks for any help. |
Not many turfgrasses grow well in shade so I'd suggest using groundcovers such as Pachysandra instead of grass. Some shade-loving perennials include Astilbe, Bergenia, Dicentra (bleeding heart), Brunnera, Catmint, Coral Bells, Carex 'Ice Dance' (an ornamental grass), Hostas of all size and color combinations, Helleborus, Japanese Painted Fern, Blue Alpine columbine, Sweet Woodruff, and Primrose. Your local garden center will have even more shade-loving plant choices. Best wishes with your landscape! |