I bought a dapple willow tree(salixintegra'hakuronishiki' I would like to plant near the house in a partly sunny location and it is only about 2 feet from the irrigation system we are installing. How much do the roots spread in this kind of a tree? It is to get 6 to 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide.It won't be growing from thebottom like a shrub as far as I can tell fom the picture. Thank you for your help. |
Dappled willow has a reputation for having invasive roots so I wouldn't plant it anywhere near the foundation of a house or a water source (such as a drain field). If you have your heart set on planting your new dappled willow near your house and irrigation system you can easily do so by planting it a container and sinking the container into the ground. Make sure the container has adequate drainage holes and is 12-18" deep and 3-4' wide. This will easily accommodate the roots for several years. When it begins to outgrow the container you can unpot it, do some root pruning and then repot it. Best wishes with your dappled willow! |