Silverado Texas Sage - Knowledgebase Question

Round Rock, Te
Avatar for pritimotwani
Question by pritimotwani
August 31, 2007

I bought 6 Silverado Texas Sage (1 gallon). I have planted them since the past 6 months but I think they are not growing. I do see lot of pink flowers at times and sometimes new leaves but the height still feels the same. Is something wrong with them. I have planted them east facing and they do get a lot of sun.

Also during spring time we had to use a weed and feed on the lawn so does anything need to be done for the fall. We have St. Augustine grass in our yard.

Thank you


Answer from NGA
August 31, 2007

The nice thing about Silverado is that is is a compact type of Texas Sage. Your plant is just getting established and developing a root system that is extensive. Next year it will grow faster so don't worry about it being okay.

I don't think a weed and feed is needed in most cases. You generally will need to put down a pre-emergence weed killer about the third week of September in your area. Fertilizing can best be done about the first or second week of October. If you don't have ongoing weed problems I would avoid the weed killers as many can be stressful and damaging to turfgrass. Focus on good mowing, watering and fertilizing practices to build a dense healthy lawn and most of your weed problems will go away.

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