When should we, who live in Vancouver WA, fertilize and over seed our lawn to get it ready for winter? What type of seed and fertilizer? Also, do we have to water it often? Thank you for your help. |
A fall application of fertilizer will help the roots remain healthy throughout the winter months. WSU recommends a fertilizer high in phosphorous and low in nitrogen, applied in late November or early December. Tall fescues or Kentucky Bluegrass are most commonly grown in your area. Your lawn will need about one-inch of water per week from now until late November. Natural rainfall should take over until next spring. To keep your lawn healthy and happy, put it on a regular feeding, mowing and watering schedule next spring. Use a 3-1-2 ratio of NPK and apply in April, June, September and late November or early December. Home Depot generally has just the right fertilizer formulation on sale at just the right time for application in your region. Best wishes with your lawn! |