Gnats after gardening - Knowledgebase Question

Brooklyn, Ne
Avatar for slimsugar
Question by slimsugar
April 10, 2008
A gardener came to cut my grass and turn over my soil to break spring yesterday. Today my yard and especially a pine-ish tree I have in my yard is infested with gnats EVERYWHERE!! I don't know what the gardener used and I can't get a hold of him. Can you recommend something pet friendly cause my dog loves to run in the yard and I don't want to use anything harmful to him.

Answer from NGA
April 10, 2008
Fungus gnats feed and breed in decaying organic debris. When your gardener turned over the soil and mowed the lawn, he made the gnats scurry to find new homes. Aside from removing all fallen leaves, garden debris and organic mulch materials from your yard, there's really no way of discouraging these pests. They will move on eventually so you'll just have to exercise a little patience. Wish I had a more speedy solution for you!

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