We had some 20+ year Bradford Pears removed and the stumps ground 4 years ago. They had split in a storm. We are still getting suckers coming up from the roots. The roots are the size the trunk was. I have sprayed Round Up on the suckers and I have dug suckers up, but more keep coming up. I would love to replant the area where these trees were, but I don't want to purchase plants until I get the area under control. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you. |
I don't think there is any easy, or inexpensive way to rid your property of the sprouting roots. Typically a stump grinder will apply a chemical such as Brush-B-Gone immediate after grinding to kill the remaining roots. Then later (months later, or the following year) they come back with the stump grinder and repeat the process. You may have to resort to having the roots dug out completely. Or, if you keep cutting and applying Brush-B-Gone as the sprouts appear, eventually the roots will run out of stored energy and will die out. Wish I had more suggestions! |