The main concern with tree roses is to protect the high graft. It is subject to more exposure to the wind and cold and drying than a graft buried underground and insulated by the soil. The standard method for overwintering a tree rose in northern climates is to dig a trench 12-18" deep in the garden. Then they dig up the tree rose, prune the top, and lay the tree rose into the trench and backfill it with soil. Mulch over top of the tree rose with organic mulch to provide some extra protection. Mark the area so you don't forget where to dig it up in the spring. Another riskier option is to wrap the graft with an air-permeable material such as burlap stuffed with an insulating and non-packing material such as oak leaves. Plastic with insulation might be an alternative if you can vent it so that there is not excessive moisture buildup. Another alternative is to move the potted plant to a cold but nonfreezing location such as an unheated garage. Best wishes with your tree rose! |