Hello... I transplanted two Stokeosia plants early this spring. They are small and healthy , but they are not growing at all. They have stayed the same for months. Will they recoup? What is the best fertilizer to put on them to encourage them to start growing? I hope they won 't die out! Also, when is the last time I can prune back my Junipers? Is it the 4th of July deadline? Thanks so much for your help. I always get such complete and detailed answers and I appreciate that alot! Dorian |
Stokesia or Stokes Asters flower in late summer and early fall so it could be that your plants are just adjusting to their new homes and will make up for the lost time by growing and sending out flower buds in mid-summer. They like full sunshine and lean, somewhat dry soil. You can mulch around the plants with some compost. As it decomposes it will provide nutrients to the roots of the plants. Just give them some time - I think they'll recover from their stress. Mid-summer is the cutoff point for pruning. If you prune later in the season that that, any new growth that results from your pruning won't have time to harden off and prepare for winter weather. Best wishes with your garden! (Oh - and happy to hear we're a good source of information for you!!) |