My kalanchoes were beautiful in the beginning of the season. Now they look awful, I don't know what to do with them...... Thanks, Louis |
Sounds like your plant is growing normally. There are many Kalanchoe plant varieties. Some are grown for their flowers and others are grown for their interesting foliage. The most commonly grown is K. blossfeldiana, which normally flowers in spring but can be forced to flower at almost any time. The leaves of this plant turn reddish in sunlight and the large flowerheads last for many weeks. This Kalanchoe needs a rest period. After flowering prune the tops down and place the pot on a shady windowsill (or in a shady spot if it is growing outdoors). Keep the soil or potting soil nearly dry for a month and then put the plant in a well-lit spot and water normally. To keep your plant in tip-top shape, provide average household warmth (minimum 50F in winter). Place in an east or west facing window from spring to autumn and a south facing window in winter. Water thoroughly when actively growing, allowing the soil surface to dry between waterings. |