I have a young fuchsia outdoor, I am looking for basic care, should I pinch it back so it does not get stringy, and how often should I feed it? Looking for pointers! Thanks. |
I don't know whether you are growing a hanging fuchsia (annual) or a hardy fuchsia (in the ground). A hardy fuchsia in a protected place in your garden will grow into a large fountain-shaped bush. Some years it might even retain some of its leaves. But if the leaves fall off in the winter, the stems will remain alive. In the spring you can cut the plant back by one-third. This will encourage lots of new growth and lots of flowers. If you're growing a hanging fuchsia then yes, if you pinch out the growing tips on the branches of your fuchsia, it will respond by growing two stems where there once was only one. Allow the stems to grow 5-6" and pinch out the growing tips again. You'll end up with a beautifully full plant with lots and lots of flowers. Enjoy! |