Yellow leaves on a Tropical Braid Hibisus - Knowledgebase Question

Burnsville, Mi
Avatar for glips55337
Question by glips55337
July 17, 2008
I was wondering what cause yellow leaves on my Hibiscus plant? I am useing Colorburst Flowering Plant it is a time release plant food .15 -30 15 is the number on the bag. Thanks for your time Gary

Answer from NGA
July 17, 2008
Sounds as though you are doing everything right for your plant. If it is still producing healthy new growth and is flowering, I suspect that the yellowing leaves are normal. Hibiscus retains its leaves for quite some time but after a few months they get old and inefficient. The plant regularly sheds these old leaves in favor of producing healthy new leaves. If you don't prune your plant it can get leggy (bare on the lower branches). So to compensate for the oldest, innermost foliage drop, prune the stems back. This will encourage new growth towards the middle of the plant and your hibiscus will look full and lush.

Best wishes with your hibiscus!

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