My neighborhood (Ft. Lauderdale,FL) is being overrun by iguanas. Is there a non lethal way of evicting them from my backyard? They sit on my lawn furniture, loll about my hot tub, gossip aroun my pool - basically, they treat my back yard like a high priced resort. I'm waiting for one of them to snap it's fingers and demand a pina colada. |
According to the SPCA Wild Life Care Center, "wild green iguanas in South Florida are a combination of irresponsible pet owners who could not or did not keep their pets in captivity and their offspring. Because of Florida?s tropical climate, which is similar to their native habitat of Southern Mexico, Central America, and most of South America, green iguanas have thrived here. However, they are non-native to Florida, and thereby classified as invasive. Invasive species, and particularly iguanas, have no balanced position in our ecosystem and no real predators and competitors to keep their numbers in check. The diet of a Florida wild iguana often includes common backyard shrubs, trees, landscape plants, orchids, hibiscus, and fruits such as figs, berries, mangos and tomatoes. They do not like citrus. The SPCA Wildlife Care Center and the Green Iguana Society suggest that you attempt to make your yard less iguana-friendly. Absolutely do not feed the iguanas that come around. Even if you do not mind their presence, your neighbors might and feeding them will only encourage them to stick around. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UFIFAS) also suggests eliminating protective cover such as dense thickets and piles of landscape rocks or wood from your yard. Another option is to line sheet metal along the base of trees to hinder the iguanas from climbing them and persuade them to move on and out of your yard. Protect your plants with screens or wire cages. You can also protect your plants by spraying them with a combination of 3 cloves of garlic and 4 red hot peppers mixed with a bucket of water. Always cover your pool when it is not in use, as iguanas like to swim and prefer to defecate in or around water. Another deterrent might be something as simple as owning a dog. Barking or chasing (of the iguana) by the dog might prompt the iguana to move on. If after trying these methods, you are unsuccessful of ridding your yard of green iguanas, you might opt for trapping. Trapping iguanas is legal, but relocating and releasing them is not because of their non-native classification. If captured, iguanas must be released on-site or humanely euthanized. Information about different types of traps and snares that can be used is available on the UFIFAS website. If you make the decision to trap iguanas on your property, you must capture them humanely, confine them humanely, and you must turn them over to the property authorities for humane euthanasia. Green iguanas are protected by anti-cruelty laws and any attempt at inhumane capture, containment, disposal or inhumane euthanasia is punishable by law. Remember, you have a legal obligation to exhibit humane treatment at all times. SPCA Wildlife Care Center stresses that a humane euthanasia agent should: result in death without pain, produce a rapid loss of consciousness, produce a rapid death, be reliable, minimize animal stress, be non-reversible and be safe for personnel. If you find a sick or injured iguana, please call the SPCA Wildlife Care Center at (954) 524-4302 ext. 6 or 10. Please do not attempt to give the iguana food or water. Also, please note that often in colder weather iguanas will be found not moving on the concrete or asphalt. They are cold blooded animals and are trying to soak up as much heat as possible from the concrete or tar. It is essential that their body temperature warm up in order for normal body processes, such as metabolism and digestion, to occur. This is not an indication that they are sick or injured. This is normal behavior. Please understand that the SPCA Wildlife Care Center is a hospital and will only admit sick or injured iguanas. We are not a removal or trapping service. However, feel free to call the Admissions department at (954) 524-4302 ext. 6 or 10 with any questions you might have regarding green iguanas." |
iguanas themselves are eaten by a variety of natural predators—hawks, owls, snakes—and humans. Green iguanas are bred and raised on farms in Central and South America to be eaten by people. (Ugh)Young iguanas are particularly vulnerable to predation by feral cats, and no iguana is safe from a pack of dogs. Per San Diego Zoo |
Florida Iguana Solutions is able to help you make your yard less attractive to iguanas, taking in to consideration all 3 species invasive to South Florida. We have a list of plants they love and a second list of plants they hate. We also can implement exclusion techniques to keep them off your trees, climbing onto docks from water, or entering roof tiles. Removal of Iguanas is affordable and per iguana with our service. Call 954-667-5064 with iguana questions. A biologist is available to speak with. Iguana repellents do not work. P.S. According to FWC regulations, you are NOT allowed to release an iguana on the property that it was caught on. No one is allowed to release iguanas outdoors anywhere for any reason, including where they were caught. |
Why must you make your yard less attractive to avoid these pest? Get a Crossman co2 pistol and shoot the iguana! Period! use caution and practice of use of weapon, that's all! |