my avacodo plant is about 14 months old 4.5 ft tall with long dark green leaves but its only about the size of a straw,will it form a trunk like a tree or bare fruit,I've already lost one plant that started off with this one,I'am just curious about the outcome of this plant because it's growing so tall and I have it tied to plant stake for support,do you have any suggestions or recommendations for the future success of this plant? |
It sounds to me as though you have grown an avocado tree from a seed. Usually we recommend pinching off the top few leaves when the plant is about 12" tall so it will branch out. Then, when each stem reaches 8" long, pinch out the tops of those, too. When a tree has branches it will naturally develop a thick, sturdy trunk. It may not be too late for you to encourage branching in your tree. Start by pinching out the very tip of each branch. This will result in two new stems growing wherever you pinch. As your tree develops lots of branches the trunk should thicken up. Best wishes with your avocado tree. |