fall vegetables - Knowledgebase Question

chantilly, Vi
Avatar for bindu_bhavsa
Question by bindu_bhavsa
August 29, 2008
I am in chantilly, va. I would like to plant some fall vegetables. what can I grow?

Answer from NGA
August 29, 2008
Vegetables are divided into two different categories - cool season and warm season. Warm season vegetables are ones that grow best during summertime and can take the heat. Think of your tomatoes and peppers - they like it hot! (No wonder - they come from South America.) Others include: beans, cantaloupe,corn, cucumber, eggplant, okra, field peas, sweet potato, pumpkins, the squashes, and watermelon.

Cool season vegetables, as the name suggests, like it a bit cooler. With them, you get the added bonus of two growing times - spring and late summer/ fall. Some standards from seeds are your salad greens - arugala, cold hardy kale, cold hardy lettuce, mesclun, and cold hardy spinach. Other possibilities are carrots, chard, collards, fennel, kohlrabi, mustard, cold hardy parsnips, peas, radishes and turnips.

Some cool season vegetables should be bought and planted in late summer. They are: broccoli, cold hardy brussel sprouts, cold hardy cabbage, cilantro, cauliflower, parsley and scallions.

Best wishes with your garden!

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