Vegetab;e Gardening in Commerce, GA - Knowledgebase Question

Commerce, Ge
Avatar for venbobann
Question by venbobann
September 10, 2008
Our first attempt at vegetable gardening here was a complete failure.
We pruchased plants already started and also seeds. Prepared ground and planted plants in holes with poting soil mixed in. Kept watered and put up mesh screening to keep out the deer.
Nothing got over half it's size. Tomatoes only got the size of an egg. Cukes didn't produce and beans where pitiful.
We watered as often as permitted.
Do we need to treat the soil this winter for better luck next spring?

Answer from NGA
September 10, 2008

Often the first try at gardening in a spot doesn't go as planned. Don't give up and you'll find it works much better the second try. Compost works wonders. Forget putting potting soil in the holes. Spread a couple of inches of compost over the soil and mix it in well. Go ahead and do this in the fall so the soil will have time to mellow over winter and be ready for spring planting.

In the meantime I suggest you contact your County Extension Office and see about having your soil tested so you can many any needed adjustments now and mix those ingredients into the soil prior to winter.

Here is your Extension Office's contact info:
102 Cloverleaf Circle
Jefferson, GA 30549
Phone: 706-367-6345

Here is also a helpful online publication:

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