Can they be transplanted for the future? - Knowledgebase Question

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Question by bj500
September 12, 2008
We just received two enormous Mums in pots from our grandchildren for grandparents day. Please advise if they can be planted to grow next year. They do this every year and it seems to be a great waste to not be able to salvage them for the future.

Answer from NGA
September 12, 2008
It's difficult to say whether or not your new mums will survive. There are hardy perennial mums and there are florist's mums (that are best considered annuals because they are not very frost hardy). If your new chrysanthemums came from a garden center rather than a florist, they should overwinter well in your garden. If they are florist's mums, they have been greenhouse grown and forced into early bloom and should be considered annuals. Since it seems to be a tradition for your grandchildren to give you mums on grandparents day, you might want to explain to them how you'd love to plant the mums in your yard, and the best plants for that purpose are at their local garden center. Hope this information helps!

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