moles - Knowledgebase Question

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Question by linbill55
February 7, 2009
we have a worsening problem with moles in our front yard. we've tried just about every preparation (gum,chili powder/hot sauce,commercial liquids...)we also treat the lawn for grubs. Is there anything else you can suggest? Thanks!

Answer from NGA
February 7, 2009
Moles do eat a variety of soil creatures including slugs, grubs such as those of Japanese beetles, and other insects. Moles -- and other soil life -- help to aerate the soil, allowing ways for air and moisture to pentrate the ground. Moles can in some ways be considered an indication of a healthy soil. Since moles do not eat plant roots, they do not need to be controlled unless their tunnels are causing a safety problem to people walking on the lawn. (If you are seeing tunnels along with severe plant damage, with roots being eaten, then your problem is more likely due to voles.) You would not want to use a grub control product unless there is a severe grub infestation which is causing significant damage to the lawn. Bayer Advanced Season-Long Grub Control granules, applied according to label directions, should eliminate the grubs in your lawn.

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