I would like to provide some instant shade for my patio this summer. Would it be possible to purchase several potted trees (5 or 10 gallon sizes), place them in decorative pots, and arrange them where they provide the best shade? Then, they could be planted in the fall (I have 3 acres and plenty of space for planting). If so, what would you recommend? If not trees, would something else work? |
You could plant trees and move them around but you'll need to transplant them into larger and larger containers as they mature and moving really large containers may become impossible after a few years. Instead, why not build a couple of trellises (either in ground or strung between two containers) and then plant fast growing vines? You can use either annual vines such as sweet peas or scarlet runner beans, or perennial vines such as coral vine. Either will grow up onto the trellises and provide summer shade. Best wishes with your landscape! |