What brand and type of weed and feed would be best for Bermuda Grass. Also there are patches that don't grow so well what can I do about that. We started a new lawn from seed two years ago. |
Bermuda thrives on fertilizer. You should apply fertilizer to Bermuda two to three times during the growing season. In April, it will start to come out of its dormant state. When it is about 50% green, apply a slow-release, high nitrogen fertilizer to your lawn. Make a second application about six to eight weeks later or as directed on the bag. A third application in another six weeks may be desired. Apply a winterizer to Bermuda in late October to prevent winter injury. To prevent winter weeds like poa annua, apply a crabgrass preventer to your Bermuda lawn in late September or early October. Apply it again in February to prevent crabgrass and certain other broadleaf weeds. A healthy, well-fed Bermuda lawn rarely has a weed problem. If weeds do develop, apply a lawn weed killer in June to control weeds. There are no weed and feed products effective against both broadleaf and grassy weeds in Bermuda so you'll need to identify the weeds you're trying to control and then spot treat them with the appropriate product, or simply hand dig the weeds and overseed the bare areas. Best wishes with your lawn. |