Could you please tell me about the orange bugs on the day lillies? What can I use to control them and keep them off my lillies and other flowers? I have tried many things and I was uncessful. Thankyou Jane Someone told me they wer3 from asia? |
What you describe sounds like the Lily Leaf Beetle. They are difficult to control and they overwinter in garden debris and mulch so practicing good garden sanitation in the fall can control next year's population. The best control at this time is hand picking the adults. To date, our material of choice for treating flowers is neem, an insecticide based upon extracts from the neem tree. Neem can be purchased at garden centers under the trade names Turplcx, Azatin EC, Margosan-0, Align and BioNeem. Neem kills larvae and repels adults. Neem is most effective on first instar larvae; it must be applied every five to seven days after egg hatch. The insecticide imidacloprid also provides effective control. It is available in several formulations from Bayer including foliar sprays, soil drenches, and fertilizer stakes. |