blueberry bushes - Knowledgebase Question

CARLSBAD, CA (Zone 10)
Avatar for marcia0649
Question by marcia0649
March 17, 2009
I have two blueberry bushes that finally after 2 years have very small blooms. I have fed them and watered them. How do I increase the size of the berry and get more to bloom. I live about a mile from the ocean in Carlsbad, CA. Help please :)..thank you

Answer from NGA
March 17, 2009
Blueberries bloom just once a year and set one crop of berries. It is normal for the blooms to last only a short while. Since the plant fruited for you the second year, then you must be doing something right! You might want to run some basic soil tests and make sure that your soil is still acidic enough and that the fertility is balanced to keep the plants happy. Your county extension should be able to help you with the tests and interpreting the results with an eye on growing blueberries. You should also be watering (and maintaining several inches of mulch) as needed to keep the soil slightly moist but not sopping wet. You may also need to protect the berries from birds and other animals while they ripen. Finally, some years are just better than others. Good luck this summer!

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