A new St.AugustineFlortam lawn was installed in December 08. All was well until about 4 weeks ago when a weed (Agri.Co-op) said it was Redstem Filaree. They recommended 2-4-D, but Scott's and others indicate that can't be used on Floratam, and Scott's says they have nothing for this weed and don't even have a listing for it. HELP PLEASE. IT IS REPAIDLY TAKING OVER. Don. [email protected] |
Redstem Filaree (Erodium cicutarium) is an prostrate broadleaf winter annual or biennial weed. A member of the geranium family, it has fern-like, or feathery appearing foliage in a rosette. The stems are reddish and there is a large, white taproot. 2,4-D will kill most broadleaf weeds, but 2,4-D is not recommended for use on Flortam. So, your only option at this point is to dig the pesky weed out, taproot and all, or spot treat with a weed killer containing 2,4-D with the knowledge that you might also be killing your turf. Wish I had something more encouraging to offer! |