slugs? - Knowledgebase Question

AUBURN, NY (Zone 5A)
Avatar for rinkpa1965
Question by rinkpa1965
March 27, 2009
several of my plants end up with little holes on them (hostas are the worst) I think it may be slugs I have not seen anything on them this has been happening since I lived here (9 yrs.) How do I stop this or prevent it from happening. I do use mulch.

Answer from NGA
March 27, 2009
Slugs and snails find hostas irresistable and they usually feed at night or very early in the morning, then hide in mulch as leaf litter during the day. You can go out at night to see if you can find them munching on your plants. If so, you can use one of the iron based baits (Sluggo, for instance). The slugs and snails feed on it and then go away to die. Hope this helps!

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