Paeonia Tenuifolia - Knowledgebase Question

Westford, MA
Avatar for dcrosby7
Question by dcrosby7
April 28, 1998
I have a Fern leaf Peony that is ' Paeonia tenuifolia'. Perhaps I'm spelling it wrong but I can't find it anywhere on the web. It is not a Chinese Peony as the leaves are wrong. I'm looking to verify its identity and find information on it.

Answer from NGA
April 28, 1998
Paeonia tenuifolia laciniata is a hybrid perennial that grows about 20" inches high and spreads about 18" inches. It's a Fernleaf Peony that differs from its more common relatives in its smaller size and the dissected, finely cut foliage. The flowers can be single or double depending on the cultivar. Provide sun and ordinary garden soil. You can find links to your plant by visiting the Michigan State University site:

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